We're planning to hold an exhibition of our computer products in shanghai. 我们计划在上海举行电脑产品展览。
The Tortured Logic of Account Planning: Look for ads about you the consumer instead of Apple products. 扭曲的企划逻辑:留意针对消费者而非苹果产品的广告。
There appears to not be adequate planning for capacity or for lead time of products. 对生产能力或产品生产周期,工厂似乎没有做出足够的计划。
Technical and Standard Research on Green Manufacturing Process Element Planning of Mechanical Products 机械产品绿色制造工艺要素规划及标准规范研究
An engineering example of consolidating fill ground with heavy punning method is given, which is the planning first phase of the workshop project of Dongguan Dabao chemical products Co. 介绍了强夯法加固填土地基在东莞大宝化工制品有限公司拟建一期厂房工程中的应用。
Research of Planning Method of Mechanical and Electrical Products Based on Customer Demand 基于客户需求的机电产品企划方法研究
Study on the Development Planning of Tourism Products Based on the Idea of Upgrading 基于更新换代思想的旅游产品开发规划研究
We [ then] put our effort into the planning of the portfolio and since there are no in-house products there is no conflict of interest, adds Mr Drake. 德雷克补充称:(然后)我们会努力规划投资组合,因为没有内部产品,所以不存在利益冲突。
Planning Research and Evaluation of Regional Agricultural Products Logistics System 区域农产品物流系统规划研究与评价
Planning of monitoring points for agricultural products security based on integrated weighted clustering method 采用综合加权聚类方法的农产品安全监测点规划
Research on Application of CE in the Overall Planning of Developing New Products 并行方法在新产品开发整体规划中的应用研究
A genetic simulated annealing algorithm ( GSAA) with better global and local searching ability is introduced for planning assembly sequences of complex products, and its near-optimal parameters are confirmed by numerous experiments. 采用带记忆的遗传模拟退火算法进行复杂产品的装配序列规划,并通过大量试验分析确定了算法近优运行参数。
The physical units are obtained in terms of flexible units by means of modular partition and planning of the hydraulic press products, for which the process model is presented. 通过对液压机产品进行模块的划分与规划,得到以柔性元结构为单位的结构单元。
Immune-genetic algorithm and its application to introduction planning of new products 免疫遗传算法及在新产品投入计划中的应用
However, some reasons embarrassed the development of tourism industry, such as inadequate management, unsystematic planning, seriously homogenization of products, poor investment guide mechanism and unclear principal market. 由于管理体制不顺,规划不系统,产品同质化严重,投入引导机制不健全,市场主体不明晰等多种原因,影响了旅游业的发展。
The flow and methods to find potential users from record data of enterprises business are argued with the view of the planning of products design. 文章以产品设计定位中的目标用户群确定为目的,探讨了企业客户数据库信息分析的基本流程和方法。
The recycling process planning of waste products is discussed systematically and the recycling process model of waste products is established. 系统地探讨了废旧产品回收工艺规划问题,建立了废旧产品回收过程模型。
The green performance of products is relative, therefore, green design is the process of sustaining improvement, and it illustrates that by ameliorating design elements of original design planning the green performance of products is improved continuously. 产品的绿色性能具有相对性,因此绿色设计是一个持续改进的过程,是通过不断改进原有设计方案中的设计要素来不断提高产品设计方案的综合绿色性能。
Disassembly Process Planning of Products Based on Petri Nets 基于Petri网的产品拆卸过程规划
Research on Strategic Planning of Electrolytic Aluminum-Enterprises A Case Study of Lanzhou Aluminum Products Limited Corporation 电解铝企业发展战略规划研究&以兰州铝业股份有限公司为例
Reverse Logistics Planning of Un-standard Products in Mass Production 批量生产中不合格品返修物流规划
Study on Regionalization for Planning of Quality Special Agricultural Products of Shanxi Province 山西省优质专用农产品种植区划研究
Study on Tourism Planning for Farming Gardens of Special Local Products& A Case Study for a Melon-fruit Garden in Shanshan County, Xinjiang 特产观赏农园旅游规划设计探讨&以新疆鄯善县特产观赏农园为例
A comprehensive assessment of the tourism resources and an analysis of the capability of the tourism environment will be of great importance to the collaboration of the tourism resources development, the controlling of tourist capability and the planning and designing of the geo-park tourism products. 通过对石林世界地质公园的旅游资源综合评价和旅游环境容量分析,对于协调其地质遗迹旅游资源与人文景观的开发、控制高峰期旅游容量以及地质公园旅游产品规划设计具有重要的指导意义。
Hence research on process planning method and development of special process planning informatization system for this kind of products play an important role in promoting the rapid response ability and improving the market competitiveness of national large size power-generation equipment enterprises. 因此,对适应这类复杂机械产品的工艺设计方法和专用工艺设计信息化系统进行研究对促进我国大型发电设备制造企业的快速反映能力,提高市场竞争力有重要作用。
Thirdly, for the related finance risks, after knowing something about the finance, individual need to understand their risk appetite, and to evaluate their risk tolerance in order to achieve reasonable financial goals for the planning and a rational purchase of financial products. 对于理财风险,在了解相关理财知识的基础上,个人要了解自身的风险偏好,了解自身的可承受风险,以达到对于理财目标的合理规划和对理财产品的合理购买。
The most obvious shortcomings of commercial banks 'marketing strategy are lacking of overall planning and creative method, the homogenization of the products and service and lacking of knowledge about customer needs and value. 其中最为明显的是商业银行在营销策略上普遍缺乏整体的规划和创意,营销过程存在较大盲目性和随意性,银行产品和服务的同质化竞争严重,对客户需求与价值认识不足等。
Thus, in recent years, the planning and construction of the logistics park of agricultural products also across the country set off a craze everywhere. 因而,近年来农产品物流园区的规划与建设也在全国范围内掀起了一股热潮,遍地开花。
To achieve this goal, it continue to introduce new financial instruments, especially derivatives, such as futures, options, commodities denominated in RMB related, REITs are also one of the planning of the products. 为达成此目标,金融商品不断地推陈出新,尤其是衍生性商品,如期货、期权、人民币相关计价商品,REITs也是其中一项规划的产品。
Finally, it comes to the conclusion that the interactive packaging design focuses on realizing user objective, and takes research, planning and design on the way of act of packaging products, functions, forms and external visual elements. 最后可以得知,交互式包装设计是以实现用户目标为中心,对包装制品的行为方式,以及传达这种行为的包装功能、包装形式和外在视觉元素的研究、规划与设计。